Weight Loss

All About: Metabolism

Take a look at most fitness ads, meal plan posts, and workout tips and you’ll see the word ‘Metabolism’ mentioned in all of them. ‘Foods to boost your metabolism!’ ‘Workouts

I Made it to the Gym… Now What?

Ok, you’ve finally decided you’re ready to get make a change! You decided which gym you liked (given the options can be overwhelming), you’re all signed up and you made

No One is Perfect; Including You

It’s Friday night and you are out with friends. You decide to go off plan for the night and enjoy a beer and some wings. Before you know it, it’s

3 Tips for Weight Loss

Happy Monday AKer’s! I hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend. I did nothing but sleep in, read and watch romantic rom-com (not complaining though!). I thought I’d spend