I know many people think of Athletic Kulture as just a gym people go to get big. Full of judgemental individuals who will look down on none athletic individuals. These people couldn’t be more wrong. Athletic Kulture has a very diverse environment in which different types of athletes are chasing different goals within their fitness realms. You’ll see some men and women that do indeed are there solely to get big and cut for body-building shows. You’ll see guys that just lift really heavy and are just in it to lift the heaviest not specifically to look good but just to lift the heaviest of them all. Then you’ll have guys like me training for a certain sport at a high or low level, this being said depending on which sport, Their workout routines can vary greatly being completely different from one another. Then you will just have some people that just want to stay active and healthy. Which can be very positive for anyone’s mental health. This being said I feel like Athletic Kulture has built a very welcoming environment with a wide variety of people that all come together with one thing as their main focus. Their fitness and health. Not once have I been there and asked someone beside me for a spot with a bad reaction. Even within their Ambassador team, they have selected a team of 8 very different individuals at different levels of fitness. These individuals I know for a fact would help out anyone that came up and asked them for a tip or some help with a workout. Not for the money but purely out of the love for fitness. So before you listen to someone else’s opinion about Athletic Kulture I highly suggest you come in and check it out for yourself. I couldn’t see myself training my strength and conditioning for competition at any other gym in Barrie.
-Alexander Bryan aka @Alexbryansix